rmlcl_blore@yahoo.com/   rmlcl.blore1986@gmail.com


In order to ensure Safety and Equality to Female Students “Girl Students Grievance Redressal Cell” has been formed in the Institution. The motto of formation of this cell is to look after the various problems faced by the female students and to solve the issues in appropriate manner. The cell consists of Principal as the Chairperson as well as Coordinator and Women Faculties as well as few Female students as members of the cell.

This cell functions in different spheres in purely Safeguarding the rights of Female Students and provides a platform for listening to complaints and ensures speedy delivery of justice by conducting meetings from time to time. This cell mainly focuses on preventing any kind of harassment by secretly monitoring entire campus. From the past few years this cell is functioning regularly and resolving the difficulties of girl student’s grievances in the institution.


  1. To ensure fair, impartial and effective solution to the aggrieved students.
  2. To ensure that grievance is resolved promptly, neutrally and in complete confidentiality.
  3. To resolve issues pertaining to girls or women sexual harassment.
  4. To safeguard the rights of female students.
  5. Preventing any kind of harassment against girl students.
  6. To ensure equal opportunities.
  7. Effective monitoring of girl’s grievances.

The meeting for this year was held on 25th May 2023 (Thursday) to discuss about the issues framed by girl students in the college. All the members of the cell were present in the meeting and discussed about functioning of the cell towards safeguarding the female students from any kind of harassment.